Doctors are ditching their stethoscopes in favour of an iPhone app that allows them to listen to their patients' heartbeats.

New app iStethoscope could save lives according to its creator Peter Bentley
The iStethoscope, which has been downloaded three million times in the UK, uses an inbuilt microphone to monitor cardiac activity.
The user holds the iPhone against the chest, then shakes it to bring up a graphic which represents their heartbeat.
It is also possible to play back the last eight seconds of the recording.
According to creator Peter Bentley, researcher at University College London, "smartphones are capable of saving lives, saving money and improving healthcare in a dramatic fashion".
Mr Bentley claims that in future they could turn into "fully fledged integrated designs capable of taking ultra sound scanners or monitor a patient's blood pressure".
The iPhone app comes at 59p but is currently available as a free version which is being downloaded at the rate of 500 apps a day.

The iconic medical device could be replaced by the new iPhone app
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